You should be able to find your way around with ease. The main menu is still at the top of every page, where there is the addition of a Search box that will quickly find the content you are looking for if you type in a relevant word or two.
Each of our activity and interest groups has its own page where you will see contact details for the group leader and any other information that the group wishes to display.
The Events page is in the form of a calendar where the details of each event can be revealed by clicking on it. Many events now have a map to show the location of the venue. The next few upcoming events are also displayed on the right hand side of most pages across the site.
Under Library you’ll find an Articles page listing pieces written for the website; the Archives page, with copies of our Newsletter and What’s On? publications going back several years as well as links to everything published on this website, listed by month in the right-hand panel; and finally a Resources page containing various reference documents and forms.
Under Membership, visitors will be able to get contact details and request information about our U3A, and the facility for paying subscriptions online is also there. And Links to other U3A websites are available via the last menu item.
We welcome your suggestions for improvements and additions to the site and urge you to contribute your writings, photographs and ideas to help bring it alive.
Please email your material to
New site looks fantastic. Informative and easy to use.