On Tuesday 27 July a group leaders’ meeting was held at the Quaker Meeting House on Butter Hill, Dorking. The meeting was well attended, with 22 leaders attending from a broad spectrum of groups in addition to committee members Beryl Sinclair, Gareth Balle and Hilda Burden.
The aim was to give group leaders an opportunity to let each other know how their groups had been functioning throughout the Covid lockdowns and restrictions and what their future plans were as we emerge from them. We were also able to discuss what could be done to help them.
It was encouraging to find that many groups are planning to restart face-to-face meetings once they have taken soundings from members as to how they feel about resuming.
Of course, there will be uncertainty and concern among some group members at the prospect of resuming face-to-face meetings, but there is a vital social element to our group meetings that we should not lose sight of.
Some very positive comments were made by the group leaders, as well as suggestions raised as to what additional support might be made available to help them keep their groups vibrant and inclusive in the post-Covid world.
Gareth Balle, Groups Co-ordinator