It should be feasible to establish the following groups in the near future:
Writing for Publication
This group will proceed under the guidance of Ken Kelsey (, 01306 884329). The next stage is to agree the practical details of the meeting locations, dates and times and to discuss the approach to the subject. Ken will have information about members who have already recorded their interest but any additional participants should get in touch with him.
Writing Family History
More members are needed if this group is to be successful. Kath Wells (, 01306 884007) will be the first point of contact and interested members should contact her directly. When the group is entirely viable details of the meetings will be publicised.
German Conversation
This group will proceed under the leadership of Dorit Moody (, 01372 450956). The next stage will be a meeting to sort out the practical details. Dorit will have information about members who have already recorded their interest but any additional participants should contact her directly.
Card Games
There should be enough members to start a small group which is likely to grow. A first point of contact needs to be established but in the short term if you would like to join the group then contact Lionel Cartlidge (, 01306 898491).