At the March Wine Appreciation event, held at the Lincoln Arms, nine members sat round a big table lit by night lights. All very atmospheric!
This was a member-hosted event led by Charmian Corner, assisted by Penny, who brought an additional supplied of goodies. Thank you, Penny.
The theme was a blind tasting of three wines, same grape – Merlot – but different origins. To kick off the event Charmian gave a short introduction to the origins of the Merlot grape in France in the 17th century.
Though members of the group were reluctant to write their reactions down, the description and discussion of each bottle and its flavours (aromas) made for a lively time. After each tasting they tried to guess the country of origin. The favourite was the French wine, which really was much more drinkable than the Merlot from Italy and Chile, and it was only £7.49 from Waitrose.
Our next Wine Appreciation evening will be hosted by Doreen, who is arranging a ‘Fizz, Fish and Chips’ event. There are limited places available, so book early if you would like to come.