We are thinking of tackling together the online course ‘Strategies for Successful Ageing‘ offered by Trinity College, Dublin, through the social learning platform FutureLearn. The course starts on 1 May.
In answer to the question ‘What will you achieve?’ the course providers say you will:
- Reflect on the concepts of ‘old’ and ‘ageism’.
- Understand how perceptions of ageing can influence ageing.
- Apply strategies for positive mental health, physical health, social engagement and creativity.
- Perform a life audit.
- Assess what ‘quality of life’ means.
- Explore how to plan for older age through goal setting.
- Discuss case studies of successful ageing initiatives.
This has been enjoyed by groups in other U3As – would you like to try it with a group of Dorking & District U3A members?
If so, ring Doreen Raine on 01306 886817 or Geoff Saunders on 01306 887493 or email chairman@dorkingu3a.org.uk or geoff.m.saunders@gmail.com.