Bookings may now be made for three special events in London for U3A members only.
Much Ado About Shakespeare takes place at the Piccadilly Theatre in Denman Street on Thursday 3 November from 10.45am to 4.15pm. Participants will be working with West End professionals to discuss a variety of different aspects of Shakespeare, including textual analysis of some famous pieces, discussions regarding historical context versus modern interpretation, and group readings of scenes and monologues. Tickets cost £35 including a sandwich lunch and are available through this link.
The Secret Language of Art at the National Gallery will focus on symbols and allegories in some of the most beautiful and intriguing paintings in the collection. This U3A study day is on Thursday 24 November from 11am to 3.30pm. National Gallery experts will introduce tools for reading the hidden meanings of well-known paintings and explain some of the main types of visual allegory and symbolism available to artists working in the tradition of Western European painting. Tickets are £18 and bookings may be made here.
Finally, tickets are on sale for the popular U3A Christmas Concert in the Queen’s Chapel at the Savoy with the Brandenburg Singers and organ. This year the event has been expanded to three concerts all featuring the same programme of familiar festive repertoire alongside traditional carols. The concerts are on Wednesday 7 December at 2pm and 5.30pm and Monday 12 December at 2pm. Tickets cost £19 and are available here.