Following preliminary meetings to discuss the establishment of Birdwatching and Watercolour Painting groups it is evident that there is sufficient interest among the membership to set up two small groups in the near future.
However, before this can be achieved it will be essential to identify group leaders for both. Specialist knowledge is not a prerequisite of group leadership, rather a willingness to organise and manage group activities. Plenty of support will be available from other group members so the new group leaders will certainly not be expected to do everything.
If any member is willing to accept the role of group leader for either Watercolour Painting or Birdwatching then please get in touch with groups co-ordinator Lionel Cartlidge. If anybody is unsure and would like more information please telephone him (number below).
Once we have identified a group leader for Birdwatching it will be possible to move on to an initial meeting in order to agree the objectives and organisation of the group.
So far as Watercolour Painting is concerned, it seems essential to begin with some basic instruction in watercolour techniques. Ideally, such tuition should be forthcoming from our membership. We are, therefore, enquiring whether any member will be able and willing to offer such help, at least in the short term. Until we have resolved this particular conundrum the start of the new group will have to be delayed.
• For more information please contact one of the groups co-ordinators, Lionel Cartlidge or Geoff Saunders.