Did you read the article in the Daily Mail about women who thought it was traumatic retiring from work? They missed the camaraderie, the sense of purpose and the feeling of belonging. Surely none of our members can feel like that since joining the U3A!
But if you DO want camaraderie, a sense of purpose and a feeling of belonging, why not join the committee? Our U3A is now two members down following the resignation of vice-chairman Keith Dakin-White due to work commitments and the appointment of Pam Toler as welfare officer. If you fancy a change and a challenge, then this could be for you.
Don’t worry about it being too much work – you can put in as little as a few hours a week. And if you think you could offer support with the help of a friend, that would be good too. We are happy with job-shares and it spreads the load.
Please contact Phyllis Hughes at chairman@dorkingu3a.org.uk or any other committee member to have a chat. No obligation – you can register an interest and find out more. Make your retirement a happy and fulfilled one.