Group leader | Jim Barnes |
Telephone | 07967 392532 | | |
Contact | Liz Lockhart-Muir |
Telephone | 01737 844173 |
Meets | First Tuesday of the month, 9.30am-noon |
Venue | Recreation Ground Pavilion, Middle Street, Brockham |
Cost | £3, including coffee |
Waiting list? | No |
The aim of this interest group, which numbers nearly 40 and growing, is to share knowledge and understanding of why conflicts occur, the progress and consequences of battles, and the role of participants on the front line and the home front. This is achieved within the overall ethos of the u3a of establishing friendships.
Our monthly meetings start at 9.30am with coffee and biscuits followed by a talk, discussion, more coffee and the Ten Minute Slot. Recent talk subjects have included: Women at War, the Battle of Britain, Dorking’s Victoria Cross Holder, the French at Waterloo, and Stopping Hitler’s Invasion of Britain.
Our monthly Newsletter offers reading and information on other military subjects and keeps the group in touch and up-to-date. Regular group visits to local military sites and museums helps keep this friendly group together and engaged, as do our annual garden meetings and book exchanges. Links to Zoom talks and our Newsletters can be found on this page.
Sound interesting? You will be warmly welcomed at our meetings – you are not obliged to give a talk.