‘Keeping everyone welcome’
Exploring and maximising inclusiveness in our U3As
• Tickets to this event are £3, and places may be reserved and paid for using the form below. Alternatively, contact Sheila Hill (01372 372165) for tickets.
9.30am | Coffee or tea |
10am | Welcome |
10.05am | Dr Philip Marazzi, East Horsley GP: Our ageing population – a GP’s view |
10.45am | Callum Russell, Sight For Surrey: Living with sight loss |
11.20am | Short break |
11.30am | Mike Turnill, Hearing Link: Managing hearing loss |
12.15pm | Mary Baker, MBE, former CEO, Parkinson’s Disease Society: Societal challenges of an ageing population |
1pm | Lunch (bring your own) Sight For Surrey bus in car park with a range of aids to assist with hearing and sight loss; Hearing Link information and leaflets |
1.45pm | Stuart Haythorn, area service manager, Institute of Advanced Motoring RoadSmart: Maintaining safe driving skills |
2.15pm | Group discussions: Implementing inclusiveness (carers; loss of mobility, hearing and sight; implications for our own U3As) |
3.15pm | Maria Bayley, Ear Eye Connection: Lip-reading and managing hearing loss |
3.55pm | Closing comments |
Bookings are no longer available for this event.