Network development day

Event details

  • Date:
  • Venue: East Horsley Village Hall

‘Keeping everyone welcome’

Exploring and maximising inclusiveness in our U3As

• Tickets to this event are £3, and places may be reserved and paid for using the form below. Alternatively, contact Sheila Hill (01372 372165) for tickets.


9.30am Coffee or tea
10am Welcome
10.05am Dr Philip Marazzi, East Horsley GP: Our ageing population – a GP’s view
10.45am Callum Russell, Sight For Surrey: Living with sight loss
11.20am Short break
11.30am Mike Turnill, Hearing Link: Managing hearing loss
12.15pm Mary Baker, MBE, former CEO, Parkinson’s Disease Society: Societal challenges of an ageing population
1pm Lunch (bring your own)
Sight For Surrey bus in car park with a range of aids to assist with hearing and sight loss; Hearing Link information and leaflets
1.45pm Stuart Haythorn, area service manager, Institute of Advanced Motoring RoadSmart: Maintaining safe driving skills
2.15pm Group discussions: Implementing inclusiveness (carers; loss of mobility, hearing and sight; implications for our own U3As)
3.15pm Maria Bayley, Ear Eye Connection: Lip-reading and managing hearing loss
3.55pm Closing comments


Bookings are no longer available for this event.