Spanish Café
For those with some prior knowledge this group will meet for coffee and conversational practice. Some personal study between sessions is essential so that we can enjoy social exchanges. The emphasis is on learning for fun in a relaxed atmosphere.
Proposed dates: first and third Thursday mornings
How can storytelling help social change?
We’ve all grown up with stories. We have either written stories at school or had stories read to us. Many of these stories – and, by extension, rhymes – have been handed down to us through generations and, without the tradition of storytelling, much of local folklore and culture would be lost to us.
Social change happens when listeners or viewers identify with messages delivered through a character or characters they identify with. This new group aims to look at stories and their origins and consider how they inform us about our ancestors but also prepare us for the world we live in.
Drawing inspiration from online presentations and research, we will, among other things, evaluate how stories are crafted to generate interest, suspense and emotion and how illustrations enhance impact. There may be an opportunity to work with local libraries.
♦ To register an interest in a proposed groups or to discuss ideas for new groups please contact Beryl Sinclair on 01306 711542 or