This meeting will be our AGM and will be held in the hall and online via Zoom. The talk will follow.
Download an AGM agenda, committee nomination and proxy voting form here.
For nearly 150 years Gilbert and Sullivan productions have influenced popular culture in the English-speaking world. Promising to be both informative and entertaining, this presentation will include an overview of some of Gilbert and Sullivan’s operas in the context of the social and political atmosphere of their time. Our speaker Bernard Lockett will highlight the satire and background of many of the works and wryly compare them to today’s world.
G&S is recognised as an essential part of our cultural heritage and the origin of today’s musical theatre. Our speaker is an expert on the topic. A lifelong G&S enthusiast, he has broadcast on BBC radio and TV and authored several books on the subject. He currently serves as a trustee of the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival and the National Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company.
A report of Bernard’s talk to our u3a in March 2018 is available here.