Mince pies, mulled wine and writing
Lincoln Arms lounge, Monday 11 December 2-4pm
Our Creative Writing groups have asked talented local author Alison Jesson to tell us how she used family history to create her two successful novels.
She writes: “Before my first novel, The Mind’s Garden, was published in 2012 I attended several creative writing courses, both locally and with the Arvon Foundation. I found it most helpful to hear how established authors wrote and what problems they encountered.
“I launched my second novel, Holding the Threads, at Dorking library in October.
“Both novels are based on my family history and this latest one is written as a memoir in my grandmother’s voice.
“I’ve learnt a huge amount in the process and plan to tell you about how I write, how I researched both novels, and to guide you through the minefield of the publishing process. I’ll also read short extracts from my books and will be happy to answer your questions.
“You’re very welcome whether you write, want to write, have never written in your life, would like to write a family memoir, or are interested in encouraging others to write or record family memories.”
If you’d like to attend, please let Penny Tompkins know by email (penny@dorkingu3a.org.uk) so we don’t run out of mince pies!
There will be a small charge for refreshments: mince pie and a glass of mulled wine £3.50; tea or coffee £2.