University House, University of Chichester
The South East U3A Forum has released details of next year’s Summer School to be held, as before, at the University of Chichester.
The dates are Monday 18 to Thursday 21 June and the cost ranges from £320 for a self-contained en suite room to £150 for non-residential participants.
Among the courses to choose from are a bridge refresher course; culture and rituals; knitting; writing your life story; mahjong; jazz – the sound of surprise; the joy of maths; discovering techniques in watercolour painting; portrayal of people, events and nature; visits to Pagham, Parham and a palace; psychology – a sense of wellbeing; the ukulele, its history and its playing; and walking on the downs and coast.
Course details and application form will be issued later and more information will be available on the Forum website from December, also from Helen Turner (turnhelen@gmail.com), Isabel Baker (isabelbkr@virginmedia.com; 01293 618685) or Arthur Browne (a.browne693@btinternet.com; 01293 771794).