We have been able to make progress with the following new groups:
- Opera Appreciation – the first point of contact will be Lin Roworth-Stokes (roworthstokes@talktalk.net). If you would like further information contact Lin in the first instance.
- Table Tennis – this group will meet on each Friday from 1 September at Dorking Christian Centre from noon to 2pm. Initial cost will be an advance payment of £20 for five sessions in September. For more information and to record your interest contact Jean Williams (jean@williams77a.plus.com).
- Art Appreciation – there are enough interested members to start a small second group but it will be essential to identify two or three members willing to organise the practical arrangements and initial subject matter. No special knowledge is necessary and lots of help will be available from the current group. Please contact Groups Co-ordinator Lionel Cartlidge (email eljaysee@ljcartlidge.co.uk or phone 01306 898491) if you are willing to help to set up the new group.